+237 674 928 982

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Molyko Buea

Malingo Street

About Us

a word from the founder

History Joyous Charity organization initiative started on the 06th of May 2018 when I, who am also an Orphan, Visited a Vulnerable home, saw the challenges and difficulties kids and Orphans go through, especially for the fact that some Orphans don’t go to school, some can barely afford 3 Square meals a day, some don’t have clothes, shoes and basic necessities, so he decided to visit such persons to reach out to them, give them assistance, and send Orphans to school, clothe them and inspire hope in them, visit Orphanages and vulnerable homes. By this time, we had no name, and on the 24th of December, I gathered some people we plan on coming up with a name to make it official, and on January 06th 2019, we came out with Free Pads Initiative to give out free Menstrual Pads to Vulnerable young girls, Orphans, persons living with disabilities and Internally displaced persons who can’t afford during their flow. We visited schools, empowered them with knowledge on Menstrual Hygiene and Sanitation, teaching them about how to make reusable pads, Donating pads in schools, helping Orphans, the Underprivileged and Widows. Because of the Vision of the Founder of Having a Charity that will reach out to the unreachable, inspiring Hope to the Hopeless, Educate, empower and extend a helping hand to anyone worldwide in need, so on the 6th of May 2019, we came together and the Name Joyous Charity came into Existence and we started Reaching out to thousands of people, feeding the hungry, sheltering many, clothing many, sending many to school, giving Start-up capitals to many who need to start a petty business to self sustain them, Counseling the youths, Having Career orientation, and Fighting Malnutrition, Fighting Covid-19, giving out hand sanitisers, face mask, and foodstuffs and non-foodstuffs.

Atud Clovis Tendong

BA in Curriculum Studies and Teaching. Pastor and Humanitarian. Counselor and advocate for Children especially Orphans.
C.E.O and Founder

From two Members in 2018 to 6 Staff and 3 Volunteers in 2019 and in 2020, we submitted our documents for the Legalization of the Organization. On the 08th of June 2021 Joyous Charity was Registered as a Civil Society Organization and given full status to operate as a Legalized NGO. We have Now 12 Staff and 8 Volunteers.

Our Team